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What are saddlebags?

Saddlebags are localised fat deposits that form in the area between the thighs and the buttocks.

Like this:

culotte de cheval


They are one of the most-hated problems because they are difficult to treat and difficult to hide. Unlike cellulite (which at least isn’t visible when dressed), saddlebags get noticed!

As you know, it is only by knowing the enemy that you can defeat him!

WE KNOW IT (Nice to meet you, we make products for localised fat deposits)

Let’s start with the theory. The name:

The French term for this problem is ‘culotte de cheval’ meaning ‘riding breeches’, of the kind used before elasticated fabrics were invented, which were looser over the hips to allow freedom of movement when riding a horse.

Seen like this, they look like a Leg Booster gone very wrong;)

The term ‘saddlebags’, on the other hand, refers to the luggage that hangs at the sides of a bicycle or horse saddle.

Between you and me, this information serves no real purpose in our discussion, but provides the perfect opportunity to admire Brad Pitt’s wonderful saddlebags in Legends of the Fall:

Now that we have clarified the etymological aspect, let’s get back to the problem: saddlebags, as we have already mentioned, are localised fat deposits.

NO. They are not cellulite.

AND NO, they are not necessarily associated with being overweight.

Saddlebags can affect both slim and more voluptuous women.

That is not to say that cellulite doesn’t form on saddlebags.

Water retention and cellulite often form on them.

But the main problem is that the causes of saddlebags are not directly related to lifestyle or diet, making them resistant to diets and workouts and very, very difficult to fight.

Yes! You heard right: eating healthily and exercising will not get rid of them!

Saddlebags: the causes

So what does cause saddlebags?

First of all, they are a problem that only affects women. Especially, women with a gynoid or ‘pear-shaped’ body structure, with curvier hips, thighs and buttocks. The body type typical of Mediterranean women.

In other words, 90% of Italian women.

The main culprit are the oestrogen hormones responsible for reproduction that, among the thousand other things they do, accumulate fat in the lower part of the body as energy reserves to be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, thus favouring water retention and altering the cells of the subcutaneous fat.


When these cells swell, they eventually break and release the fat they contain into the surrounding tissues, which impairs the microcirculation and triggers a self-fuelling process.

As a result, the connective tissue fibres start to thicken and form what are known as retractive fibrous septa, which pull on the skin and are the real culprits of the formation of the dimples that characterise ‘orange-peel skin’.

In addition to these predisposing factors, which we can define as the general causes of the problem, there are also specific situations that make a contribution, such as:

  • - Posture: sitting down for long periods, wearing very high heels and walking the wrong way can make the microcirculation worse!
  • - Weak thigh and gluteus muscles: some people are naturally prone to weak muscles, but never working out only makes the situation worse!

The products against saddlebags

Let’s try and give you some more specific information on how to fight them.

First, a specific problem needs a specific product.

Our Speciale Culotte De Cheval combines two of our best muds in a unique KIT.

These muds have two different aims:

  • • MAD MUD DREN tackles water retention.
  • It contains grey clay and micronised pink clay, and is enriched with magnesium sulfate and plant extracts with a natural draining and purifying action.
  • • MAD MUD tackles localised fat deposits.



It contains a THERMOACTIVE INGREDIENT that releases heat, stimulating the circulation in the treated area. The ULTRA-FINE CLAY absorbs toxins and stimulates lymph drainage, while also delivering active ingredients to the fat cells, REDUCING FAT DEPOSITS and preventing new ones from forming.



Let’s get one thing straight: when using muds CONSISTENCY is essential if you want to see results.

So, they need to be done 2-3 times a week.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the skin:

  • • With a scrub to remove dead cells (Magic Bubble)
  • • With a slim_me one shot wrap to drain fluids and allow the mud to penetrate better (do this 2 days after the scrub).

Alternate the muds: start with Mad Mud Dren followed, 2 days later, by Mad Mud Cellulite, and so on.

Here is a calendar as an example:


Mad Mud Dren pausa Mad Mud pausa Mad Mud Dren pausa Mad Mud


Saddlebags: professional treatments

At our Beauty Salon WE CAN SEE YOU! Literally.

You often come in telling us about terrible cellulite but, in actual fact, most of you then show us classic saddlebags.

There’s nothing shocking about that, far from it, but it goes to show how important it is to understand your problem before taking action to tackle it.

And that’s where we come in: FIRST to look at you

and THEN to explain which products and treatments are right FOR YOU.

Never come in to see us?

The treatment for saddlebags that gets our salon’s vote is CAVITATION, a method that uses low-frequency ultrasonic waves.

Thanks to a special process whereby bubbles form in the water in the tissues (cavitation), the treatment empties the contents of the adipose cell, thus decreasing its volume and, consequently, the circumference of the panniculus adiposus (localised fat).


As saddlebags often contain a certain amount of retention, after the treatment it is advisable to drain with a hand or roller massage (focusing on the area where the cavitation was performed). If the pad is still flaccid, for optimum results you can drain using radiofrequency technology).

For this we have ICOONE ®, the only patented appliance that uses Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation technology.

It exploits different frequencies to work on each type of problem, and performs a lymph-draining and connective tissue massage. It also has a potent sculpting effect on slack tissues.

A force to be reckoned with. And the results are visible even from the very first sessions!


As always, response is subjective, so why not come and see us for a chat?

In the meantime, SPEAK OUT: write us a letter, pick up the phone, send us a carrier pigeon (it would make our day)!